You have questions? We have the answers! Our FAQ will grow over time. If you notice that an important question about easySoles is missing, feel free to contact us for feedback.

easySoles in itself

Nein. Da die Einlage im Vorfußbereich super dünn ist, müssen die Schuhe nicht extra grösser oder weiter sein. Es ist aber möglich, etwas zu weite Schuhe durch eine zusätzlich Polsterung passend zu gestalten.

We work with the latest technologies, materials and knowledge of shoe orthopedic technology for the production of individual orthopedic insoles. At the same time, we would like to point out that the modification of your high heels is not a medical product or orthopedic insole. In the case of high heels, we are talking about relieving and supporting the foot under tremendous stress. Although some patients may benefit from relief of hallux valgus, for example, by relieving pressure on the forefoot, we are not talking about a preventive, therapeutic or curative effect here. Nor do we offer foot diagnosis or advice in the medical sense.

Unfortunately, this is not possible with easySoles. The insole must be glued into the shoes to guarantee optimal support and the desired effect.

Yes, this is possible in principle and in this case we will send you the easySoles. To be able to guarantee the fit in your high heels, the shape of the high heel must already be recorded in our system or you have already had the same model modified by us. 

Yes, it is possible if the new pair has the same design as the previous one. For insoles that are worn for a long time, we recommend replacing the cover. In this way, the wearing comfort can still be guaranteed. 


2 weeks. For the production we need a 3D measurement of your feet and your high heels. Based on the measurement, we produce, matching your shoes, individual insoles and glue them.

Yes, there are eight colors. Our cover material is 100% breathable, has a pleasant feel and absorbs eight times its density in moisture! 

Measurement and pick up

The foot measurement takes place with the first order and can be used for subsequent orders. The rule of thumb is that a new measurement is useful after approximately two years.

The foot measurement takes place with the first order and can be used for subsequent orders. The rule of thumb is that a new measurement is useful after approximately two years.

We value customer satisfaction very highly. If you are not happy with the modification, please contact us to arrange further steps! 

If you experience severe pressure points, pain or other discomfort, do not wear the shoes again. In this case, please contact us immediately.


Yes, it is available on request for closed men's and women's dance shoes.

Your feet do hard work in high heels. Supporting them during this time with a supportive insole is definitely a good idea!

Why "either... or" when both are possible? No insole is a substitute for good foot exercise. Nonetheless, it provides support, endurance and comfort during a spot load, such as in a high heel or dance shoe.

You have some questions?

If you don't find what you are looking for in our repertoire of questions, please contact us directly. 
